Thursday 16 January 2014

Web App Scanner Project Report

Web App Scanner Project Report with full source code and project manual and database for free download from below link. User case diagram for few forms is explained in this post.

Name of the use case: Know information
            Every user of WebApp Scanner should be able to know information about different     hacking techniques so that awareness can be increased
 Post condition: Information about different hacking techniques will be displayed
 Flow of events:
                                                                    i.            Click on resources.
                                                                  ii.            Click on corresponding technique to know information according to the need.

Name of the use case: view own details
            Every customer can view his own details like profile.
Pre condition: The user must already be a registered one.
Post condition: Profile of user is displayed
Flow of events:
                                                                    i.            Click on login by providing userid and password.
                                                                  ii.            If valid then profile page is displayed with a link to edit profile.
Alternative flow of events:
                                                                    i.            If the user doesn’t exist then goto registration page to get registered.
                                                                  ii.            If the User Forgot password he can retain the password by clicking on Forgot Password link.

Name of the use case: View past history and reports
            Every customer can see his past history of files uploaded and their scan reports
Pre condition: user must be logged in with his valid user id and password
Post condition: Account of user will be displayed .
  Flow of events:
                                                                    i.            Login to application by providing valid userid and password.
                                                                  ii.            Click on my account to view history of updated files.
                                                                iii.            Account of user logged in is displayed.
                                                                iv.            To view scan reports click on scan reports
                                                                  v.             To see all reports click on overall reports so that all past reports are displayed
  Alternative flow of events:
                                                                    i.            If the user doesn’t exist then go to registration page and get registered.

                                                                  ii.            If the User Forgot password he can retain the password by clicking on Forgot Password link

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