Thursday 16 January 2014

Java Coverage Analyzer User Case Diagram Project Report

Java Code Coverage Analyzer User Case Diagram is explained below. Students can download full project source code and project report from given links.

Name Of The Use Case: General structure.
Description: This use case describes the processes such as to whom implementation, usage and finally who generates the report is described here.
Pre-Condition: The input must be a class file.
Post condition: It generates the coverage report in a diagram format.
Flow of Events: It initially follows some hierarchical structure and uses some resources like instrumented data and finally generates the coverage report.

Name of the Use Case: Implementation.
Description: It describes how the probes are constructed and how the probes are instructed in to the instrumentor.
Pre-condition: The lexical analyzer and syntactical analyzer are taken as inputs to construct probes.
Post condition: The Probes are inserted in to the instrumentor.
Flow of Events: Initially the probes are followed by instrumentation.   

Name of the Use Case: Uses
Description: It describes how the pre defines instrumented files are useful in helping out to find out the coverage.
Pre-condition: It takes data from the data structures and from the instrumented data.
Post condition: Reports are generated using the previous data.
Flow Of Events: Using of historical data to generate reports.

Name of the Use Case: Delivers.
 Description: It describes how the pre defines instrumented files are useful in helping out to find out the coverage.
Pre-condition: It collects different coverage information.
Post condition: All the coverage information generated are merged.
Flow of Events: Collecting different coverage information and merging is done.

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